Have you ever wanted a quick reference book that covered everything from grammar to the ins and outs of publishing a novel? Look no further!
'Practical Tips for Every Author' is chock-full of one hundred hints, tips, tricks, lessons, and many other facets of the writing industry in this all-in-one tutorial book.
Covering everything from grammar, punctuation, prose, style, parts of speech, and composition to marketing, formatting, tips on query letter writing, submission guideline help, assistance with the legal in and outs of publishing - to writing the dedication, blurb, acknowledgements—and everything in between!
Over three and a half years in the making, Steve Soderquist has stuffed one book full of everything the beginning author needs to get his or her book written, edited, formatted, sent to publishers or self-published, distributed and marketed. An extremely handy guide for the experienced author as well, to brush up on key components for all things book-related.
Add this helpful guide to your library today!
'Practical Tips for Every Author' was written by Steve Soderquist, the co-owner of Foundations, LLC and has written and published five novels, one novella and a children's short story. He has edited, formatted, and distributed over fifty books for some of the best-selling authors of today. He will freely admit to his rather unorthodox style of teaching English but the results from those whom he has taught in seminars, webinars, and workshops speaks for itself.
He lives in Brandon, Mississippi with his beautiful fiancé, business partner, and fellow author and editor/illustrator Laura Ranger.
Foundations, LLC: https://www.foundationsbooks.net/book/practical-tips-for-every-writer/
Amazon Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Every-Writer-Steve-Soderquist/dp/1543148808/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1489027380&sr=1-7&keywords=steve+soderquist
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/703775
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/practical-tips-for-every-writer-steve-soderquist/1125907466?ean=9781543148800
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SteveSoderquist
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/116546158818053309346
Website: http://www.stevesoderquist.com/
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