Title: Elapse
Series: The Expiration Duet #1
Author: Lou-Ella Fields
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 25, 2017
I thought our love was
infinite, unbreakable.
After six years together,
butterflies would still take flight in my stomach every time he walked into a
room. With just one smile I was putty in his hands. He promised me forever with
every touch of his lips. Too late, I realized that I was being kept in an
illusion made of glass; only to have him smash it apart and disappear
before he could see it shatter around me in perfect ruins.
With a tiny life held in
the palm of my hands, I'm haunted by the man who abandoned us.
And then there was him.
Immersing himself within
the dust and debris as I was slowly opening my eyes to this new reality. He
says he wants forever, but how can I believe him when love lies and forevers
don't truly exist.
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