Title: Paradise Fought: Abel Author: L.B. Dunbar Release Date: Jan 25, 2016 Find on Goodreads I'm not a fighter. I was born into a fighting family. As the middle child, I was overlooked in favor of my older brother. He took the negative attention, too. In comparison, there's nothing special about me. I’m not as big as Cobra. I’m not as strong as Cobra. He's the alpha. I'm a beta. The second son. The lesser one. The one never encouraged to fight, never encouraged to do anything, but stay out of my father’s way. I'm not a lover either - but I wished to be – that’s why I needed her. I met a girl in the pouring rain. Sounds cliché, but it's true. It changed everything. Because of love, I learned to fight. Betas come second, but in this fight, my story is first. Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo If I thought I was going to make a speedy getaway, I was wrong. My savior caught up to me, half way d...