Title: Kingdom of the Damned Author: Tricia Copeland Genre: YA Fantasy Publisher: True Bird Publishing LLC Editor: Jo Michaels, Indie Books Gone Wild Hosted by: Lady Amber's Reviews & PR Blurb: Witches set her hopes and dreams ablaze. Can she fight fire with love? France, 1557. Vampire Anne Scott feels helpless within the divided magical community. As a child, she witnessed her family burned by witches disguised as religious zealots. So after losing a lover to the supernatural schism years later, she turns her thirst for revenge into a vow for peace. Traveling the globe for centuries, Anne befriends allies and battles immortal enemies in a fight for unification. Only one immortal man has the power to mend her broken heart and end the carnage. But she hasn’t seen him for 200 years… Can Anne bring the warring worlds together, or will her vision die alongside her? Kingdom of the Damned is the captivating YA urban fantasy prequel to...