Title: The Devil's Vengeance
Series: Vows & Vengeance Duet #2
Author: Bella J.
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: February 22, 2021
I knew I’d never have the luxury of choosing my own wife. An arranged marriage was a sacrifice men in my position had to make for their families. It wasn’t something I looked forward to, but it had to be done.
I just never imagined my father would choose her to be my bride. Daniela Moretti, the daughter of my enemy…and I intended to treat her as such.
But since the day she set foot in my house as my wife, my loathing of her turned into something deadlier than hate. Her strength intrigued me. Her fight seduced me. And I started seeing more in her than just dirty, filthy Moretti blood.
Now…she’s gone. Kidnapped. Vanished without a trace.
But the devil always finds what’s his, and when I do, my thirst for vengeance will be sated by blood.
Please note that The Devil's Vengeance is book 2 in the Vows and Vengeance duet, and should be read after The Devil's Vow.
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All the way from Cape Town, South Africa, Bella J lives for the days when she’s able to retreat to her writer’s cave where she can get lost in her little pretend world of romance, love, and insanely hot bad boys.
Bella J is a Hybrid Author with both Self-Published and Traditional Published work. Even though her novels range from drama, to comedy, to suspense, it's the dark, twisted side of romance she loves the most.
You can sign up for her newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/gmA7Mf
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