Title: Bound by Affliction Series: Ravage MC Bound #4 Author: Ryan Michele Genre: MC Romance Release: January 31, 2018 Now Available: https://books2read.com/BoundbyAffliction Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2qCwdEc Blurb: One minute, one second, one breath, it was all for a future that was suddenly unknown. The attraction was powerful and undeniable, neither knowing where it would lead, but both willing to go along for the ride. A bond between them developed weaving itself towards something good and right. In the flash of a moment, one decision changed the course of everything. Ty “Green” Burm had a family, a job he loved, and a woman he was ready to call his. With the Ravage MC at his back, he knew he could take on anyone. Except the Red Devil’s MC got to Leah first. The things they did to her … Unspeakable hell. Leah Johnston is now lost, broken and torn. Once vibrant, she’s drowning in fear and has lost all hope for anything in her life. And for anyone. The pain...