Title: Love, Marriage, Mayhem Series: Tempered Steel Author: Maggie Adams Release Date: December 1, 2015 Tour Host: DRC Promotions Synopsis: With only a small clue to the whereabouts of the arsonist that torched his family's business,, Lawrence “Lucky” Coalson heads to Las Vegas. While posing as a bouncer, Lucky finds himself ensnared by the lovely bartender, Claudia. But, like Lucky, she’s not what she appears to be and what happens in Vegas follows Lucky back home with unimaginable consequences. Brandon Coalson is as hot as his older brothers, but he's the sensitive one that patches broken hearts and sends them on their way. Until Anna Meeks walks into the office and into his life. Her shy demeanor melts Brandon's heart, but she's got secrets that could get them killed. When a family friend is grievious injured, the men vow to put an end to the sabotage once and for all, but nothing goes according to plan, and the men must fight Mother Nature, a murderer, a...