Title: Crow Series: Soulless Kings MC Marble Falls, TX #1 Author: Andi Rhodes Genres: MC Romance Tropes: Enemies to Lovers/Opposites Attract Release Date: March 29, 2024 BLURB Crow… Growing up in Marble Falls was the very definition of boring. Fortunately, my father was the president of the Soulless Kings MC and when he met his maker, I took over the reins. Now I get to make my own fun. But my way of life is threatened when a sexy siren walks into my club under false pretenses. She thinks she’s clever, but I’m not about to let her take down my family. Holding her hostage might not be the best idea, but it’s my only option if I want her to see that the Soulless Kings aren’t all bad. What I don’t count on is the intense urge to keep her and make her mine. Addison… As the daughter of the Chief of Police, I’ve always strived to be the son he never had. I want nothing more than to follow in his footsteps, but he doesn’t think a woman can handle the job. And I’m going to p...