Title: Something Right
Series: The Something Series #2
Author: Shaniel Watson
Genre: Contemporary MM Romance
Tropes: Forbidden/Workplace Romance/First Love
Release Date: February 15, 2024
When you know, you know . . .
And Drew knows. He knows he likes men—Holden in particular. He knows he’ll have to make the first move. And when he and Holden are together, Drew knows nothing has ever been more right. The problem is that Holden doesn’t know it too.
Holden knows he isn’t good enough for Drew—an ex-con is never a good bet--but that doesn’t stop him from wanting him. He craves Drew more than he wants to breathe, and that’s the problem. Between his dubious past and all the complicated family issues, Holden is afraid of hurting Drew. And that’s the one thing he never wants to do.
When two strong souls collide, the stars align and something right is born. But can love survive the storms, or will something right turn into what could have been?
Shaniel Watson is the author of the Imperfections Series. She lives in New York and likes to write sultry, emotional stories with imperfect characters that eventually get their happy ending. When she’s not writing or reading books with characters who rip her heart out and leave her want more, she loves to spend time with her family and friends.
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