Title: Moments of Madness Series: The Hunters Author: T.L. Smith Genre: Dark Romance, Forced Proximity Release Date: August 29, 2023 Cover Design: Hang Le We met at his ex’s wedding, where she uttered their safe word in her vows. Immediately his jaw clenched, and his hands balled into tight fists. Then moments later, he told her I was with him. When in reality, I had snuck into the wedding. Knowing full well he was trouble, when I tried to leave, he gripped my arm and whispered in a low, intimidating voice. “Do you sneak into weddings often?” His words had me stuck to the spot. It took only a few moments for me to realize this man was dangerous. The only logical thing I could do was kick him where it counts. Little did I know that man was a hunter. And it didn’t take him long to find me… Hold on to your p&nties cause the Hunter twin Kyson will incinerate them!- MissPetiteBrunetteBookBlog I loved this book! I love the Hunter brothers. It had me...