Title: Flash Series: The Penmore Series #2 Author: Malorie Verdant Genre: College/Sports Romance Release Date: April 30, 2018 Blurb My life is a living nightmare. Everything that matters to me always gets taken away. He was only eleven and I still couldn’t protect him. I won’t let her matter. The girl with mermaid eyes and flashy red hair. I won’t be the reason heaven meets hell. ADD TO GOODREADS Purchase Links $2.99 for a limited time AMAZON US / UK / CA / AU B&N / KOBO / iBOOKS Trailer Also Available AMAZON US / UK / CA / AU B&N / KOBO / iBOOKS Author Bio Malorie first started reading romance books when she was twelve years old. Her mother handed her a copy of Nora Robert’s Midnight Bayou and with resignation said, “Here you’ll love it, just skip the sex scenes.” It was the only time she ever got to rebel as ...