Title: Three Breaths
Series: The Game of Life Series #3
Author: Belle Brooks
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Release Date: February 15, 2018
I’ve no clue who is hunting me, but he demands I complete his tests. I fear if I can’t figure out his identity, he’ll kill me just like he said.
His eyes were blue the last time I looked into them, but now when he glares at me they’re green. Is the Wolf playing dress up? Or are there two monsters who have stolen me?
“Did you think I’d make this easy for you, Red? Are you ready to play again?” – The Wolf
I want out of this nightmare, and the only way to do that is to win.
I need to win.
Three Breaths is book 3 in this series, do yourself a favor and go read the first two beforehand. To say I am shocked and frustrated is an understatement. All through this book I wanted Morgan to kick some butt and as I’m reading the end caught up to me and left me wanting to throw my e-reader across the room. I’m pretty sure Belle sits in her house laughing evilly as she knows her readers will be left feeling this way. I’m no closer to knowing who the wolf is. It’s a great cat and mouse read, remember you will be left with a cliffhanger but book four is coming! |
AMAZON REVIEW: http://amzn.to/2Hg5DVE
Four Hearts (The Game of Life Series #4)
Five Fights (The Game of Life Series #5)
Born in Australia, Belle Brooks has always had a passion for books and creative writing. She loves exploring the different ways stories can be told through the use of text and in-depth characters. Since she was a child her strong talent and interest in creative writing was evident, explaining that her favourite class in school was English. Despite her love for all things books, she decided the world of advertising and marketing was where she could put her talents to use in the business realm, well that is until now. Belle enjoys creative writing and creating fictional stories that leave a valued message inside the pages.
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