Title: Beneath the Lighthouse Author: Julieanne Lynch Genre: YA Horror Release Date: June 26, 2018 Cover Design: Sam Shearon Sixteen-year-old Jamie McGuiness’s sister is found dead. Sinking into a deep depression, he frequents the lighthouse where her body was discovered, unaware of the dark forces surrounding him. When an angry spirit latches onto Jamie, he’s led down a dark and twisted path, one that uncovers old family secrets that destroy everything Jamie ever believed. Caught between the world of the living and the vengeful dead, Jamie fights the pull of the other side. It’s up to Jamie to settle old scores, or no one will rest in peace—but, first, he has to survive. Julieanne Lynch is an author of YA and Adult genre urban fantasy, crime and contemporary romance books. Julieanne was born in Northern Ireland, but spent much of her early life in London, United Kingdom, until her family relocated back to ...