Title: Battleground
Series: Battler Series Book Two
Author: C.L. Masonite
Genre: New Adult Romance
Published: November 11, 2016
Cover Designed by CT Cover Creations
The Final thrilling conclusion to the Battler Series:
I’ve been exiled by royal, Wolfe decree. I’ve become invisible and with my back pressed up against the wall I have two choices …
One – Be silent and live a life in the shadows – filled with regret and loss … or
Two – Raze hell and break the goddamn doors to the kingdom down.
The former requires backing down and the second requires stepping onto the battleground.
Reviewer: Lindsey
Rating: 3.5 Stars
This is the conclusion of the Battler Series. This review just like m last is much the same I couldn’t connect with this series at all. It wasn’t because it was a bad series or not well written it just sit with me. The main characters were great as always but the flow and sometimes the atmosphere of the story was not my thing. I think it can be a great series to readers but it just wasn’t my thing. C.l.Masonite wrote this series with a lot of passion and it is displayed in her work whether you liked the story of not you have to agree that this book was well written . I think it was the plot more than anything that threw me off. All in all, I do not regret reading this book and I say if you’re looking for something different then this is the book for you.
“Amazing ending!” - Reader Review
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