Title: Forgotten Truth Series: The Forgotten Series #1 Author: Virginia Wine Genre: Contemporary/Erotic Romance Release Date: September 30, 2015 Blurb Secrets hidden beneath the surface, trust destroyed. Danger, sex, and mystery. From the moment I met him, I knew I couldn’t resist. From the moment I met her, I knew I could change. Nathan James knows what he wants, and that’s the beautiful, successful Bryer Kavanagh. Both have to conquer their past, so it doesn’t dictate their future together. But neither of them can anticipate the depths of betrayal ahead. ADD TO GOODREADS JOIN THE RELEASE PARTY Saturday, October 3rd at 4pm EST Purchase Links AMAZON US / UK Author Bio Midwestern born, Virginia Wine is a longtime lover of romance and well told stories. It was only natural to turn that passion into writing a love story of her own. Married to a real life Iron Man with legendary st...