Title: Hellion Unbound Series: Hell's Fire Reborn, Book 3 Author: Jade Bones Genre: Reverse Harem/Why Choose Release Date: August 20, 2024 Apparently, when we destroyed Hell’s sun, it kicked off a downstairs apocalypse—which was just the extra pizazz we needed in our lives. So our last stand didn’t exactly work out. Now Hell has grown still, its ever-changing landscape freezing into an eerie, deathly silence, and the only thing keeping me from chucking in the towel are the three heart-achingly beautiful men at my side. Unfortunately, they damn well know it. As we roam Hell’s tortured landscape in search of our lost power, my three gorgeous soulmates prove time and again just how distracting they’re willing to be. Now that we’re together at last, all they want is to run off into the sunset with me and leave the world to burn. But I can’t do that, because this fire is all my fault. No matter how much I crave the healing touch that only my soulmates can bring me,...