Title: His Queen Series: Dark Sovereign Underboss Series Book 2 Author: Bella J. Genre: Dark Romance/Mafia Romance / Forbidden Romance Release Date: June 29, 2023 Cover Design: Deranged Doctor Designs I knew loving him would be my downfall. I just didn’t think it would happen so soon. There’s always a price to pay when you’re loved by a man like Nicoli Del Rossa. He’s my king. The captor of my heart. But with the Dark Sovereign empire comes savage enemies thirsting for bloodshed, and when a mafia war is raging, buried secrets are brought to the surface. While my husband does everything to protect me, I start to see the cracks in his truth. The lies, the deception, it begins to unfold, and I no longer know who I can trust. But all it takes is one night apart. One night of living in the dark. One night…and I remember everything. Now, I’m no longer the woman he married. I’m no longer his hummingbird with a white lace ribbon in her hair. Instead, I’m a shattered s...