Title: Lady Boss Series: Itty-Bitty Delights #7 Author: Alex Grayson Genre: Small Town Boss/Employee Romance Release Date: June 30, 2022 BL URB Second to my family, my career comes first. My job is my life, and that’s the way I like it. But then I took on an intern. A sexy intern who screws with my carefully structured life. At every turn, he’s there, making his presence known. Not that he needs to. Since the moment he walked into my office, my thoughts have been consumed by him. I’m tempted to take him up on his many offers of pleasure, but then I remember I’m twelve years older than him. Oh, and he was also the boy I used to babysit when I was a teen. The most I can ever be to him is his lady boss. Or is it? Lady Boss is a novella and can be read in 2 or 3 hours. ADD TO GOODREADS PURCHASE LINKS AMAZON US / UK / CA / AU B&N / KOBO / APPLE BOOKS ALSO AVAILABLE AMAZON US /...