Title: Fractured Dreams Series: Fractured Rock Star Romance Author: L.M. Dalgleish Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: February 19, 2021 Cover Design: Wildheart Graphics Rock stars break hearts It’s a lesson Eden Taylor just learned the hard way. Leaving town to stay with her brother should have been the perfect way to escape the pain of her breakup, but she wasn’t expecting to end up sharing the house with her brother’s best friend—Fractured’s lead guitarist, Tex McLain. She wasn’t expecting to notice how sexy he is… or to start craving his touch. And she absolutely wasn’t expecting to forget the lesson she only just learned... Tex is getting tired of the casual hookups that come with the rock star lifestyle—been there, done plenty of that. He’s looking for someone he feels a connection with—a spark. Just his luck when he finally feels it, it’s with the one woman he can’t have. Eden’s too young for him—too bright eyed and full of dreams. Not to mention his...