Title: Hart of the Storm Author: Syke Turner Genre: Adult Romance Release Date: May 31, 2017 Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC. Amberlee Hart has always had it easy. Her beauty and ability to sing like a Siren have made her a star in Louisiana. Though her dreams are much bigger than “the boot.” Jeb Storm has always been a tortured soul, judged for his upbringing. Music has always been his escape. While driving to the most important audition of his life, Jeb stops to help a woman in distress. Amberlee instantly recognizes the “boy from the wrong side of the tracks” who frequented her thoughts "way back when". Forgotten attraction is rekindled and a relationship is formed. Passion wars with beautiful music as both pursue their dreams. There can be only one star . Will the man who's always had to fight for everything in his life forfeit his dre...