Title: Fire on the Farm Author: Betty Shreffler Genre: Second Chance Contemporary Romance Release Date: April 29, 2017 United Indie Book Blog - “It's a MUST READ!!!” Goodreads Reviewer Kerry - “A page turning love story that will pull at all of your heart strings.” Goodreads Reviewer Megan - “I couldn't put this book down, I haven't had time to sleep.. not many books can grip me the way this one did..” UNITED INDIE BOOK BLOG REVIEW REVIEWER: CHANTELLE RATING: 5 STARS This is my first time reading one of Betty Shreffler books. This story will pull at your heart strings so much to have you crying. Male sure that you have some tissues ready. Amy is a strong woman that been through so much stuff. That nobody should have to deal with. Brock is a hot, sexy cowboy. When Brock and Amy are together the chimes try is off the charts! I will definitely be reading more from Betty. I can't wait to read your next book. I highly recommend ...