Title: Screaming In The New Year Author: Jody Pardo Living a charmed life in one of the most remarkable cities, Maggie Silipo had everything she could ever want. She built a successful career for herself, had a beautiful apartment and a desirable lifestyle in which she got to travel. What more could she ask for? While the rest of the world was celebrating with loved ones, she was alone…working. Blake Matthews owned and operated his IT Firm Leverage Logistics with offices in four corners of the US. Maggie was his right hand woman and his personal assistant. Fantasizing about her boss and wishing for more, Maggie watched from a distance as he charmed the ladies of Charlotte and New York City’s high society. When Blake has an accident, he realizes just how much he needs Maggie. Now, not only is she his right hand, she’s much more. As Maggie carries Blake and Leverage Logistics, the dynamic between boss and assistant evolves and everyone is ke...