Title: Losing Her (His #2) Author: Mariah Dietz Release Date: March 1 Find on Goodreads “I loved her and she left. Maybe I wasn’t enough. Maybe I’ll never be enough.” I’ve been thinking these words since before we even got together. Everything is new. The old no longer has a place here. Physical items are easy to replace. I'm constantly battling the ones that aren't. Every thought and memory I have is stained. By you. You weren't even there for half of them. How is she still present even though she left? I can do this. I’m going to survive losing her. *** This is the second book of the His Series, and it DOES end with a cliffhanger. The final book of the His Series, Finding Me, will release June 1, 2015*** “Dude, you’ve got to get up.” Jameson sighs as I pull the pillow back over my head. I don’t even know what day it is anymore. I don’t care. What adds salt to my wounds is the fact that the world keeps turning. People con...