Title: A Fighting Chance Author: Annalisa Nicole Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: September 29th 2014
Cover Jacket:
Chloe Peters grew up in a privileged, picture perfect life with amazing parents and her twin brother, Kyle. She and Kyle were living out their lifelong dream until one second, one moment in time changed everything and sent her into a tailspin she thought she could never recover from.
Will the exchange of deep dark pain in the eyes of two hardened souls open the door to a happily ever after?
Can Max show Chloe that there can be life after Tragedy? Can Chloe show Max that he is worthy of Love?
Sometimes the hardest person to forgive, is yourself.
About Annalisa Nicole:
I am an “Indie” contemporary romance author. I live in California with my husband and two teenage boys. I absolutely love being a stay at home mom.
I never liked reading as a kid. I only started reading romance novels in the past few years. My Kindle and I are inseparable now. A thought occurred to me in December of 2012 that maybe I could write a romance novel. So I went to work with the encouragement of my husband and my sister-in-law. It didn’t take long to figure out that I really enjoy writing. Today I am a self-published author and it has been an amazing journey.
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