Title: Misguided Vows Series: Lethal Vows Authors: T.L. Smith and Kia Carrington-Russell Genre/Tropes: Dark Mafia Romance Release Date: December 28, 2024 We met because of a job. We played because he made a bet. We carried on because we couldn’t stop. Now we’re in too deep, and the secrets of our pasts will catch up. It’s supposed to only be a fling, but it’s started a fire. One that we’re both in denial about. USA Today Best Selling Author T.L. Smith loves to write her characters with flaws so beautiful and dark you can’t turn away. Her books have been translated into several languages. If you don’t catch up with her in her home state of Queensland, Australia you can usually find her travelling the world, either sitting on a beach in Bali or exploring Alcatraz in San Francisco or walking the streets of New York. Australian Author, Kia Carrington-Russell is known for her recognizable style of kick a$$ heroines, fast-paced action,...