Title: Where Skies Fall Series: Where Oceans Burn Duology Author: Casey L. Bond Genre: Upper YA Epic Fantasy/Romance Editor: Stacy Sanford/ The Girl with the Red Pen Cover Designer: Melissa Stevens/ The Illustrated Author Design Services Blurb: The Blurb Doctor Publication Date: Jan. 13 th , 2023 Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR Blurb: Where Skies Fall is the scorching sequel of Where Oceans Burn and the final book of this epic, enemies-to-lovers romance set in a world where the people of the sea constantly battles those of the sky and a couple who might change the tide for both kingdoms – if they can survive long enough. With these three tenets, we will live. With these three, we will fight. Bravery. Breath. Brine. Neera, Goddess of the Sky, claims the war will end in the place where oceans burn. God of the Sea, Talay, believes it to be in the place where skies fall. Yet battles unlike any our people have fought before still wait to be waged. Like...