Title: Bishop Series: Heaven Hill Generations #6 Author: Laramie Briscoe Genre: Small Town MC Romance Release Date: May 27, 2022 BLURB Back to where it all began… Harley Walker I never expected to be a teenage mother, not like my grandmother before me. Fate, however, had other plans. Bishop Erickson swept into my life at a moment when I needed someone to see me for who I really was. A person who didn’t care that I’m a Walker. He gave me all of that, and then some. On the worst night of his life, I give him the only thing I can. My family, and their protection. But just as we’re about to start our own family, the past comes back to haunt us, and it’s a fight to the end. For both us and the Heaven Hill MC. Winner takes all… ADD TO GOODREADS PURCHASE LINKS AMAZON US / UK / CA / AU B&N / KOBO / APPLE BOOKS UNITED INDIE BOOK BLOG REVIEWER: CHANTELLE RATING: 5 STARS . Bishop is the...