Title: House of Eclipses Author: Casey L. Bond Genre: YA Epic Fantasy Editor: Stacy Sanford/ The Girl with the Red Pen Cover Designer: Melissa Stevens/ The Illustrated Author Design Services Publication Date: August 13 th , 2021 Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR Blurb: Capture his heart. Steal his crown. Noor is the unwanted, unloved third born of the Aten, chosen vessel of the sun goddess, Sol. While she has no chance at inheriting her father’s title, what she truly longs for is peace from his unrelenting hatred. Hope builds that she may finally be able to claim that reprieve when a missive arrives from the House of the Moon. The new Lumin, chosen of the moon god, Lumos, seeks to broker peace with the Kingdom of Helios for the first time in ages. He envisions open trade routes and an end to archaic rivalries. His dedication to this cause extends to visions of a union between the two families by marrying one of Aten’s daughters, if one of the matches is a fit. ...