Title: Unequivocal Love Series: The Castaway Grove Collection Author: DL Gallie Genre: Steamy Romantic Comedy Release Date: October 13, 2019 The connection between Hartley Bannon and Memphis Shawe was instantaneous. It was love at first sight. The stars had aligned and their souls were entwined for all eternity. From that moment they loved each other unconditionally. Nothing was going to tear them apart. When Memphis proposed, Hartley thought all her dreams had come true. What they didn’t count on was bridezilla appearing. She threatened to rip their happily ever after to shreds and destroy everything. Memphis and Hartley may have an unequivocal love, but will this be one hurdle they cannot overcome? Is love enough? “Memph,” I blubber, as I snuggle into him. He wraps his arms around me and places a kiss on my head. “Babe, I ...