Title: Cavalier Series: Crimson Elite #1 Author: T.L. Smith Genre: Romance (standalone) Release Date: December 27, 2018 Welcome to Crimson Elite, the most exclusive sex club in the world. Enter at your own risk, and always remember our number one rule— You must never speak of Crimson Elite—the punishment is severe. Creed ‘Too Hot For Words’ Christopher If God created the perfect man he would closely resemble Creed, on the outside that is. He’s as cavalier as they come. Unconcerned. Cold. Dismissive. I wonder if he has any feelings at all. And when his lips touch mine, everything goes black. He takes me into his world, and it’s the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced. And I’m sucked in time and time again. Like a moth to the flame, I am ready to be set alight. Elicea ‘F*cks With My Head’ Beckham Elicea is a firecracker. She has piqued my interest, and no one piques my interest anymore. Beautiful women are what I do—it...