Title: The Long Dark Night Series: The Seven Sisters Series Author: Cahira O'Donnell Genre: Paranormal Romance Release Date: June 21, 2013 Publisher: Dark River Publishing A woman shrouded in mystery. One of the prophesized Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, her touch could heal or kill, but once touched, a man was forever obsessed. Talia Martin had lived a life of isolated loneliness by necessity. She was the government’s secret weapon, brought out, dusted off and, once again, put into service to save captured Navy Seals. A man betrayed by love Secret Service Special Agent Nickolas Pane didn’t know when he had been more devastated. Even the infidelity of his ex hadn’t shaken him like discovering his kid brother was MIA, captured by the Taliban in Iraq. Then – a mysterious proposal – an opportunity to rescue his brother and the other Seals on the special ops team. He would die to have her and kill to keep her. She could find his brother, but ha...